muted tones

sepember 04

this entry is from sepember 04. click here for more information about the curator, and to hear the finished work.

now that it’s up…

september 29th, 2004

…I wonder if it might be as interesting to others as it is to me because I know the songs that the various snippets making up the piece are originally from. but perhaps that’s all part of the artistic dilemma regardless…wondering if the audience will get the same out of the work in question as you the creater do…

I still like some of those songs, though I wouldn’t really want any one to hear them in their entirety (embarrassing) mainly because the lyrical conceits are pretty juvenile…but what can you expect from one’s teenage years…

it turned out more ambientish than I originally thought it might. even the noisier samples I used in places fit into the piece in a more textural way…



december 04th, 2004

i don’t think the audience EVER gets the same out of the work as the creator. i believe that through creating, you interpret yourself, using your own thoughts and ‘lessons’ that you learned in your life…
and when an audience observes the creation, they try to interpret you, or themselves, through their ideas and images. it’s all different. that’s why art (and music especially, in my opinion) is so universal, and yet so unique with every creation…
love the project… vol’s 1 & 2 were amazing. looking forward to hear out everything on vol. 3! :)


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