muted tones

october 02

this entry is from october 02. click here for more information about the curator, and to hear the finished work.

the story

august 28th, 2002

Last summer when I moved to Chicago from Detroit, I left behind an amazing community. These were people I worked with, played with, loved, and helped build a strong and supportive community. My time with them was extremely influental in my life. My community not only helped shape my vision, they helped me take steps to make it happen.

One day in February, I received an email from a Collective that was a major support in the community, and for me. That day, I wrote the song I’m going to submit to muted tones. This was the message:

“Dear family, friends, and comrades, V Day 2002

In Detroit we have had very recently a tragedy that
seems incomprehensible by itself, but it also comes at
a difficult time already in our community’s and
collective’s day to day struggles. We are at a
complete loss without our friends (and housemates)
Oona and Emma, killed in a car accident February 12th.
…….Two of our other friends and housemates
were also in the car. Jason, as his luck would have
it, was thrown from the car receiving only minor
physical bruises, but Jesse has been undergoing many
surgeries. The injuries are all very serious, but his
condition is improving and we all feel very grateful
to know now that he is going to pull through……
In solidarity and struggle,
Trumbullplex Anarchist Housing Collective and Theatre”

Jesse is okay now, last I heard he was making a full recovery, and was walking.

When I wrote the song, I intended for it to simply be for the Collective and Oona and Emma’s families, to express my sympathy and support. I also wrote it to send my support to Jesse in his recovery.

So now, I live in a new incredible community. A musical community that includes The Tiny Hairs. And I asked them to work on this song with me because I want it to develop beyond a specific mourning. I want to add some other feelings, and themes. To make the song more universal or accessible. But I want it to retain the original feelings of hope in a time of loss. And the Tiny Hairs seem like guys who could do all that. Maybe this theory only works in my head. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.




dustin berger

october 02nd, 2002

hi i am emma bergers cousin dustin i was fortunate to stay at the trumbullplex soon after my cousin and oona passed and i really love the idea of your song and was hoping u can send me some info on how to get a copy because i know my familly down here in newmexico would love it. thanx! Dustin B


october 02nd, 2002


I am so happy and honored that you like my idea. It is the best possible feedback.

There are two ways you can get the song:

1. You can download it from the website.
2. You can email me and request a burned cd copy.

You can email me by clicking on the sr at the beginning of this comment.

Thank you so much for your interest. I hope you like the song.

Angela Wieske [ web site ]

june 16th, 2003

Hi, This is Oona's Aunt and Uncle Paul. We miss Oona dearly, and while we never met Emma, send loving energy to her friends and family as well.
I would love to get a copy of this song. Is there any way we could get a CD of it. We would be eternally grateful. We were just talking about Oona the other day, remembering her as a child sitting on Paul's shoulders saying "Mo Beans Paul." When Paul and I first got married we all lived in the same house in ROyal Oak and a early teen Oona would beg for hamburger and bacon (She wasn't a vegetarian then.) I miss that dear girl so.

Let me know what I can do to get a copy of this CD. Paul and I would be very grateful.

Angela Wieske

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