august 15th, 2002
yeah, go for the wurley. i think i remember bob dylan talking about that a while back. just how different ideas come from the piano vs. the guitar when he sits down to right. it makes sense, because like you said, you develop those paterns that aren't so easy to break, so naturally, stepping away for a while and on to something else is the best way to do it. i find that playing different instruments influences how i play each one overall. i mean the flute only allows one note. so because of it's physical character, it's becomes necessary to only focus on melody. keyboards usually force a combination of harmony and melody with chords and single notes, and guitars kind of shift back and forth. once you get em all rotating, i think you become stronger and more fresh in each area. wurley's rule, and i'll tell ya, ebay's no messin around. people practically give em away. if you set your limit , maybe three to four hundred, in two or three weeks you should be good to go... anyway, sorry for the ramble, stretched out a little further than i anticipated... keep experimenting!