muted tones

january 03

this entry is from january 03. click here for more information about the curator, and to hear the finished work.

its illegal to starve a meter!

december 02nd, 2002

the loss of knowing where to start starts here. thats something. the holiday was superb, and i was on vacation right up until i walked into this office about two hours ago. i drove back to chicago this morning in a snowstorm which stretched the entire way - until gary indiana where the air was so thick with pollutant the snow couldnt keep its identity and just turned to wet drizzle. regardless, i am reminded how great i feel this time of year. i am so happy it is winter. i am so happy i can bundle up and think straight again.

my lovely parents gave me a super 8 camera over the weekend. with it came some old old film. i have two other cameras and have had them since high school, but this camera is far better. i filmed the weekend and travels back to the city this morning. i ended the entry with the robert taylor homes; filming them with the looming demolition crane as i hopped along 94 in morning traffic. they are almost completely gone now.

muted tones.

time to
feed ****** the
$$$$$$$$$$ meter.


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