All in due time
october 14th, 2006
So I’ve got the first 3 minutes and 50 seconds recorded. The 1st motif (see previous entry) gets developed from a kind of drone/ pedal point: a repeating bass note that propels the beat while a melody plays over it. The whole thing crescendos into the chord change where some drums/ electric guitars/ pedal steel and piano add to the bravado. It’s all very melodramatic….After the cadence, the main motif recapitulates then slowly devolves into a mood swing that is taken over by two piano lines (one is a tinny electronic piano and the other is an out-of-tune etheral upright low in the mix). From here in the recording I’m basically going to bring in the second motif. This sketch has a janky chord progression in it that I’m not thrilled with but has some potential…not a lot, but some. It may not make the cut. However, I do like the overall potential in this motif (I’m being very loose in calling this part a motif). It still needs some serious development but I think it will be a pretty easy jumping-off point for the the middle section of the piece.