Tense Forms moves to DreamHost

Monday, August 15th, 2005 at 05:26 PM

Pardon the mess! We’ve switched servers to DreamHost this weekend. Most things should be back to normal now but you may find a quirk here and there. Don’t hesitate to let us know!

We were quite happy with our old host, 8-95.com, and I would still recommend them to anyone, especially if you have a smaller site. We have a ton of songs on our servers though, and we go through quite a bit of bandwidth at times. With DreamHost’s current specials, they’re a much better fit for our needs.

DreamHost also has some great referral programs. If you sign up there and enter the promo code 25TO50OFF, you’ll get $25 off if you pay monthly, or $50 if you pay a year in advance. Even better, a bit of your payment will be donated to Tense Forms. You save money, we save money, everybody wins!